SAE規格 J3252, 2023: Process for Developing an Interoperable Cooperative Driving Use Case Test Framework and Test Procedures

SAE規格 J3252, 2023【見積商品】

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SAE規格 J3252, 2023【見積商品】




SAE J3252, 2023: Process for Developing an Interoperable Cooperative Driving Use
Case Test Framework and Test Procedures
SAE規格 J3252, 2023: 相互運用可能な協調運転ユースケース・テスト・フレームワークと
発行元 SAE International
発行年/月 2023年8月
装丁 ペーパー
ページ数 149 ページ
発送予定 御見積時にお知らせします
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This report provides the process for developing a flexible test framework to support the creation of system-level cooperative driving automation (CDA) Feature test procedures, which are intended to be objective, repeatable, and transparent, and enable collaborative testing of the Feature. Utilizing a Feature’s functional and logical scenario details, it provides the building blocks necessary to develop cooperative automated driving system (C-ADS)-equipped vehicle (C-ADS-V) and CDA infrastructure (CDA-I) system diagrams, identify the interfaces to and from the systems, and identify the set of functional test support components specific to the CDA Feature. Utilizing these details, along with the Feature-specific concrete scenarios, a method for developing a test scope and system level use-case-focused test procedures is provided.

NOTE: See the note following the CDA FEATURE definition in Section 3 for how capitalized “Feature” versus lowercase “feature” is used in this report.

NOTE: Some of the material developed for this report preceded the SAE J3251 and SAE J3256 feature reports. Future revisions of this report will align content and address redundancies with the CDA Feature reports.

NOTE: Throughout this report, several processes, sub-processes, components, etc., are defined which have a set guidance on the data items to be collected or defined in support of developing CDA Feature test procedures. While the rules of grammar may state otherwise, within this report, these items a capitalized to let the user of this report know to separate these from general items versus the specific ones contained in this report. It is also a way to let the reader know that a description of these items is provided in the report should they need to be referenced.