UL規格 2941 OUTLINE, 2023: UL Outline of Investigation for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy and Inverter-Based Resources

UL評価 2941 OUTLINE, 2023【見積商品】

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UL評価 2941 OUTLINE, 2023【見積商品】




UL 2941 OUTLINE, 2023: UL Outline of Investigation for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy and
Inverter-Based Resources
UL評価 2941 OUTLINE, 2023: 分散型エネルギーおよびインバータ連系電源のサイバーセキュリティのための調査
発行元 UL
発行年/月 2023年1月
装丁 ペーパー
ページ数 28 ページ
発送予定 御見積時にお知らせします



This Outline of Investigation applies to cyber security evaluation for network connected inverter-based resources and parts of IBR systems that provide software-based and firmware-based controls, including, but not limited to such devices as inverters, monitoring, and controller devices.

The Outline of Investigation describes the minimum cybersecurity requirements that IBR equipment shall support. The outline does not contain the methods of validation of these requirements. The outline of investigation is written in a way that the choice of implemented technology is at the manufacturer’s decision.

This Outline of Investigation does not contain requirements regarding functional testing of a product. This means this outline contains no requirements to assess that the product functions as designed.

This Outline of Investigation does not contain requirements regarding the hardware components contained in a product.