Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2022: Structures - Installed bases - Volumes - Development trends - Market sizes - Market shares - Prognosis until 2026, 鉄道産業の世界市場 2022年 構造物 ・設置台数 ・数量 ・開発動向 ・市場規模 ・市場シェア ・2026年までの予兆

Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2022 (PDF版)

市場調査レポート  > 

Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2022 (PDF版)




Worldwide Market for Railway Industries 2022: Structures - Installed bases - Volumes -
Development trends - Market sizes - Market shares - Prognosis until 2026

鉄道産業の世界市場 2022年 構造物 ・設置台数 ・数量 ・開発動向 ・市場規模 ・市場シェア ・2026年までの予兆
発行元 SCI Verkehr GmbH
発行年/月 2022年9月
装丁 PDF
追加オプション - Excel形式データアネックスのご購入ご希望のお客様は別途お問合せください。  


The study “Worldwide Market for Railway Industries”, provides a comprehensive insight into the structures, installed bases, volumes, and development trends in the railway market in the context of the Ukraine war, disrupted supply chains and high inflation.

Especially in the current economic and political world situation with its various, overlapping crises, the demand for up-to-date forecasts and expert assessments is great. This is why SCI Verkehr is publishing its "Worldwide Market for Railway Industries" study again this year as part of the leading trade fair InnoTrans, in which we provide insights and outlooks into global product market segments and regional developments at our high quality and with a fresh, new design. Find out more about the key findings of this publication in our press release.

SCI Verkehr conducts ‘bottom-up’ analyses of all relevant product segments. An extensive database, developed in-house, allows SCI Verkehr to analyse business segments, market regions, and even single country markets. Thanks to the project-based data collection, the database also provides input for a detailed analysis of OEM and After-Sales markets. SCI Verkehr has enhanced its methodologies over the years and is e.g., able to build its prognosis based on real age structures of fleets.

In concrete terms, this MultiClient Study includes:
- An overview of the market development of the global market for railway industries, divided into eight world market regions and product segments of infrastructure, system technology and rolling stock.
- Structure and development of the global railway technology market in Western and Eastern Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia/Pacific, the CIS and Africa/Middle East
- Market size, market development and future procurement potential of the OEM and after-sales markets for the product segments until 2026
- Railway industry companies and their market shares in the product segments and activities in the world market regions
- In addition to the study, the data annex contains technical details on infrastructure (gauge, voltage systems) and age structure of the rolling stock in the regions as well as installed base and deliveries in the top markets per region
