TVPS-4 Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4, 視知覚スキル検査 4

TVPS-4 Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4

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TVPS-4 Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4




TVPS-4 Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4
視知覚スキル検査 4
発行元 PAR (Psychological Assessment Resources)
発送予定 海外倉庫よりお取り寄せ 2-4週間以内に発送します
Purpose: Assesses visual perception
Age range: 5 years to 21 years
Format: Paper and pencil
Time: 25 minutes
Qualification level: S


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The TVPS-4 is the latest update of the standard comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and processing skills.

Features and benefits

  • New lower-level items address the needs of younger or more impaired individuals.
  • Normative data now extend through age 21 years.
  • Now includes 18 items in each of seven perceptual areas.
  • Consistent with current methods of visual information processing used in occupational therapy and optometry.
  • Measures the following Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory narrow abilities: Visualization, Flexibility of Closure, Visual Memory, and Memory Span.

Technical information
  • Ceilings minimize fatigue and ensure that more difficult items do not tax younger students while allowing for reliable and accurate assessments across the age range.
  • Raw scores are reported as scaled scores and percentile ranks for each subtest.
  • Overall score is reported as a standard score and percentile rank.
  • Age equivalents are provided for subtest and overall scores.